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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. People cannot connect to my web server. What can I do?

A. Are you behind some router/firewall/proxy? if your answer is yes then you need to configure them.

 If you are using Windows XP, configure the integrated firewall to allow incoming traffic on the web port:
o Open the Windows Control Panel,
o Select the Networking section and open the properties of your network interface,
o Select the Advanced tab and press the Parameters button in the bottom of the panel.
A dialog where you can allow incoming connection to some ports is displayed. If CIS WebServer uses port 80, check the Web Server (HTTP) line. If it uses another port, press Add... and enter this port number. Select TCP, fill the other parameters according to the displayed descriptions, and validate.

* If you have a firewall or an anti-hacking software, configure them to allow incoming connections on the web port (port 80 usually).

* If you have a router, configure it in order to allow incoming traffic on the web port. Refer to the documentation that comes with your hardware to know how to do so. Click here to read how to configure your router.

* Some ISPs are known to block incoming traffic on some ports such as port 80 (default web port). Please ask your ISP about that restriction. If it is the case, configure your web server to use another web port (for example 8000 or 8080.) 

Q. My visitors get "file not found" error. What is the problem?

A. Find out what file error it is giving. If it says "index.html not found" then your index.html file is missing from the path you configured. or you need to set the path of the folder where your website files is. For other file types, check out the file name is correct  and does not contain any spaces in it. Refer the Step-By-Step tutorial for further details.

Q. My web site is now up and running. But how can I have an address such as www.my-domain.com?

A. To have more information about this issue and a lot more, we recommend browsing http://www.dslwebserver.com

Q. I have a dynamic IP address which changes every time I connect to internet. It is not possible for me to update my IP address every time on my website. Any way out?

A. Yes. Register with www.no-ip.com Add a new sub domain name and download their Client. This client will automatically update your new IP address to your sub domain and so you will never have to worry about that.

or you can also sign up with www.dyndns.org

Q. Does CIS Web Server support ASP, CGI, Perl, PHP?

A. No. Currently CIS WebServer does not support any server side scripting but we may add them in near future.

Q. How much monthly data transfer do I get from the server?

A. Your monthly data transfer range depends on how much your ISP provides you. It has nothing to do with CIS WebServer.

Q. Can I host images and hotlink them to some other websites?

A. Yes you can do that.

Q. I want to setup my own custom error page. How can I?

A. You may make your own custom error page and name the file as "404.html" and keep that file in the same folder where you have installed CIS WebServer. (usually C:\Programs Files\CIS WebServer\).
By default you will find a "404.html" file in your CIS WebServer installation folder. You can also edit it.

Q. The custom error page does not show images?

A. Make sure you have those images on the same folder where you have your "index.html" file.

Q. I want to setup my own custom BAN page. How can I?

A. You may make your own custom BAN page and name the file as "banned.html" and keep that file in the same folder where you have installed CIS WebServer. (usually C:\Programs Files\CIS WebServer\)
By default you will find a "banned.html" file in your CIS WebServer installation folder. You can also edit it.

Q. My custom BAN page does not show images.

A. Sorry, the BAN page does not support images. 

Q. Suppose my site's URL is and I want to host a file Setup.exe . How will I do that?

A. Place the Setup.exe file under the root folder where you have your index.html file. The URL for the Setup.exe file will be
If your internet browser does not support reading .exe file, you may zip that file and so your URL will be

Q. Does CIS Web Server supports any database?

A. No.

Q. Which version of Windows can CIS WebServer run?

A. CIS WebServer can run on all versions of Windows.

Q. How safe is my PC, if I use the WebServer to host websites off my PC?

A. Keeping in mind all the possible loop holes, CIS WebServer is made with 100% security . The author is using it themselves for their personal use. 

Q. Is CIS WebServer Free?

A. Yes its 100% Free.

Q. I have a question which is not listed in the FAQ. Where can I find its answer?

A. Please feel free to Email us or visit our Forum

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