Step-By-Step Tutorial
Start the server from the following path.
Start > Programs > CIS WebServer > CIS WebServer.exe
You will see the following screen popping up. (Click
on the thumbnails to enlarge them)
A little description about each of the controls.
- Status = Current status of the server.
- Site Hits = Total hits your site got till now.
- Users Connected = Total unique visitors connected to your site.
- Bytes Sent = Total size of packets sent from your PC.
- Bytes Received = Total size of packets received to your PC.
- Server Uptime = Total time since the server is running.
- Local Address = Is the local server address which can be accessed through LAN. or you can use
http://localhost/ instead.
- Your Site Located At = This is the IP address through which your site can be viewed on LAN and
- Connected IP Address = Visitors IP address who has visited your site with Date and Time.
- Save Auto Log = Automatically save logs of the visitor's IP
- Enable IP Listing = Enables IP listing in the listbox. If unchecked
does not logs any IP addresses.
Setting up the path of the index.html file
Click on the Settings button > Set path
Clicking on the Set Path shows you another window, where in you can
select the Drive > Directory name where you have your index.html file.
(index.html file is the main file that shows as your default homepage)
Setting up HTTP options
Click on Settings > Preferences > HTTP Options
You can set the Preferences of your web server. You can set your desired Port number. But it is recommended that you set your Port number to 80. You can enable a music file if you want it to play when a user visits your site.
Checking on Run on Startup enables your WebServer to run automatically
when Windows Starts. You can ban IP address of your visitors. Press Ban
IP to show the Ban IP window. Click Save to save the settings.
Setting up FTP for your Server
Click Settings > Preferences > FTP Options
You can also set a FTP account for your visitors so that they can upload files to your PC. The following image shows how you can configure FTP with your CIS Web server.
- FTP Username: The username which your visitors will use to connect to your PC
- FTP Password: The Password which your visitors will use to connect to your PC.
- FTP Port: The port number which is used to connect to the FTP. You can set your own port number. Port 21 is recommended for FTPs.
- FTP Host Address: Your host address which is needed to connect to your PC.
- FTP Root Path: The default path shown when your visitor connects to your PC. Click browse to select another path.
- Upload/Delete Files: Permission/Restrictions for your visitors. If unchecked your visitors cannot Upload/Delete Files from your PC.
- Make/Delete Directory: Permission/Restrictions for your visitors. If unchecked your visitors cannot Make/Delete Directory on your PC.
- Connected Clients: Displays the users currently connected to your FTP.
- Server Log: Every details of your FTP is registered here.
Banning IP/Finding out Whois
Two advanced options has been added in the current version of this WebServer.
IP Banning: You can ban someone's IP address from Settings > Preferences
> HTTP Options > Ban IP
or Right Click on the List containing the IP addresses listed and Ban IP
Whois: Find out who is holding the IP address. Right click on the IP
address listed and click on Show Whois...
The Result
You are done. Open your browser and type http:// followed by your IP address. or you can simply click on the
Your Site is Located at link on the web server. You can see your index.html file in this way.
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